
Tag You're IT!!!

I've been tagged, so here it goes:

5 things I was doing 10 years ago ...
1- I was 16, just moved to Phoniex and was still living out of a suitcase (they lost our moving truck some how!).
2- I was a junior at Moutain Rigde High School.
3- I was helping build the junior homecoming float (I still have the scars to prove it too!)
4- I was in math class with Nicole (poor guy didn't know what to do) and hanging out with Allison (who was in my history class).
5- I think that I had just met Robert, Joe, and Jeromy too..... we all know where that lead! LOL Ü

5 things on today's "to do" list...
1- Finish getting ready for the Senior Center's Health Fair.
2- Finalize the ads for the open house and the dressers.
3- Buy milk and potatoes at the store.
4- Make cookies or cake (I'm craving something sweet!).
5- Move the bathroom to the new apartment.

5 snacks I enjoy...
1- Pumpkin Seeds
2- Chocolate
3- Ice cream
4- Peanut Butter

5 things I would do if I were a millionaire...
1- Get out of debt
2- Pay off Mom & Dad's house.
3- Have an awesome vacation.
4- Finish school.

5 places I have lived...
1-Brigham City UT
2- St Charles IL
3- Glendale AZ
4- Lake Success NY
5- Ephraim UT

5 jobs that I have had...
1- Retail @ Bombay Co.
2- Cashier/Customer Service @ Kent's
3- Retail @ Cracker Barrel
4- Secretary @ ITEC Manufacturing/USTANKCO
5- Designer/Admin. Assist. @ Anvil Cabinet & Mill

Rules: Each player answers the question themselves. At the end of the post the player then tags 5 people and posts their names, Let the person that tagged you know when you've answered the questions on your blog.I tag: 1.Alli 2. Nicole 3. Sis. Rice 4. Angie 5. Rachel.


Nicole Hunter said...

I did it!! :) That was fun to do and to read your answers! Oh, Mr. Wdowick! Poor guy...I heard he just recently retired! I wonder if he still has that awesome combover?! Hope you're doing good! Love ya!

Unknown said...

It took me a couple days, but I did it!! I wish you could have come up to Star Valley last weekend. It was so much fun! Next year we will all have to make sure to make a trip up there together. Although tell your mom that if we're having beans again then forget it!! j/k

It's been fun looking at your blog. You and Scott are so cute! I love your picture at the top. It's so funny.