I know that I really have been M.I.A. the last little bit, things have been a little crazy but I wanted to write down a few pregnancy thoughts before it's over.
I really never understood why pregnant women thought they looked like whales... I totally understand it now! It's been really hard to have this big belly after working so hard to lose as much weight as I have. I know that it's a good thing, but I still have a hard time and I don't feel pretty at all. Also the lovely pregnant skin, hair, and nails that all the books list as plus for this time apparently skipped me. I'm a walking greasy hairy zittie mess. Doesn't help with the whole pretty feeling either. Scott's been great and sends me to get a pedi or even gives me one himself if he has time. He really has been the most supportive and helpful hubby ever, when he's not working lol.
One the plus side I love how wonderful it feels to have BB moving around and growing inside me. I love how excited he gets when he hears church music. He enjoys all music, but loves it when it's singing time at church. I love how happy Scott gets when he gets to "play" with BB. It's really funny, but BB actually calms down for Scott. I keep telling Scott that it's a good thing and will come in really handy when he's actually here, but Scott wants to poke and play instead. He really can't wait to when he can feed BB his bottle and is a little bummed that it's going to be a little while before he can. It's also been fun watching Scott finish BB's crib, he's taking such care to make sure it's just right and will be safe for BB. When we went to register for our baby shower, before we could scan anything Scott had to look its reviews and make sure it was "good enough and safe enough". I love how much he already is taking care of BB and loves him. It's been a really blessing to see Scott step into the whole "Dad" role and I can't wait to watch him when he actually gets to hold his little one.
We have been taking a ton of baby classes and have a few more to take still, but it's really helped us both feel better about a few things. Scott's all over installing the car seat properly and I've had to convince him that putting it two months early is stretching it (he gets to this week though and is giddy)! We both are still unsure about giving BB a bath, but we have diaper changing and swaddling down pat. We are in a Lamaze class and I'm not sure the teacher likes us since we keep laughing (Scott makes the funniest faces when we are doing our breathing).
We are getting it down though, after all we have about 5 more weeks to go and have to get it.
Not sure I can handle the wait, but at the same time I'm not sure I'm ready for the changes. It's hit hard recently that this is the last time it's just Scottie and I for the rest of our lives, strike that, FOR THE REST OF FOREVER. That's a big change and it breaks my heart just a little bit and scares me a ton. But this is why we are here, to experience all things and to find joy. Expanding our family has been the best feeling and the special experiences we've already had have brought us such joy. I know that it's not all roses and butterflies raising kids, but I know this is part of the Lord's plan for us and we can do this. Now if I can just get through this summer heat....
Celeste, you always make me smile! AND you are ALWAYS beautiful! I know you may not feel that way though since pretty much every pregnant person feels that way, but it is worth it in the end! :) And for sure if we have another girl we should line her up with your little Benson! Hey, even if not, Anya should have her education by then and could put him through school! Haha! Good luck these last five weeks! I hope all goes well for you!
Hang in there... you're almost there! You are beautiful! But, I know how you feel. For some reason, your pregnancy is going soooo super slow for me. I want to see the baby! :) Good luck these next few weeks! I can't wait to see him!
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