
4 oz Club

My sisters, mom, grandma, and I have formed a weight loss club of sorts. It's actually an excuse for us to get together and chit-chat and all that fun stuff. They are all doing the weight watchers program, so they all weigh in, but I am doing the Bob Green's Best Life Diet and don't weigh in at the moment. I really like this "diet", it's making my change myself; how I act, what I do, how I think, and how I view myself. Even if I haven't lost any weight, I feel better about who I am and that's what matters the most. But back to our little club. How we got the name I'm not to sure, but I think that my Grandma Boyce lost 4 ounces on one of our first meetings and was so EXCITED that we keep it. But after weigh in time we have little lesson (and we all take turns giving it) that can be about a new exercise, setting goals, food ideas, just something to help motivate us. Then of course we have a yummy healthy treat afterwards. (For the record, I really do like the weight watchers popsicles-they taste great and aren't grainy like a lot of low fat or whatever sweets!) Yesterday it was my turn to teach and I had everyone write down five things that motivate them to lose weight or are goals that they are working at achieving. It broke my heart that some of them had no reasons! They had no motivation! The eating and weight problems in my family are all making sense to me now. I hope and pray that we all will break this horrible cycle, but I'm grateful to know that I am breaking it and moving on. I'm so grateful for all the wonderful things in my life that motivate me and that I can see them too. I'll be honest, I struggle every day with eating right and getting out and exercising, but I am doing it and Scott is a big help and some days he even kicks me out the door so I don't stop. I will win this battle!!


Grammy Suzzy said...

Celeste, you are such an inspiration! You have it figured out, and you are so young. I thought that if I lost weight, I would have no other problems and would be happy, but that is not the case. It's better to feel good about yourself, be and eat healthy, and be your best you. Someday, I will figure that part out, too.

Knight Bunch said...

The best thing is that you are starting with a kind and caring heart! You will figure out the rest as you continue your journey. I am so glad to hear that you are feeling better!

I need to come to the club...I have a few ounces to lose.