
Our Not So Short & Quick Update:


  • We have had some major struggles, and are still struggling, but well who doesn't?

  • We moved to a really cute & well taken care of duplex that's about the same size of our cute little house, but doesn't have any problems like that cute little house did, plus if something breaks we don't have to fix it!  Only problem we have is  neighbor we could  live without (who in the world saws at 11:30 pm?)

  • We took a family vacation with my side of the fam to Mount Rushmore, Devils Tower, Grand Tetons, and random places on the map that looked cool.  It's so pretty up by Mount Rushmore and we've added that area as a place Scott will send his resume to when he's ready to teach.

  • We are both excited for the new BYU football season.

  • He unfortunatley luckily lost his job and has now has returned to school.  Right now he is working on his BA in History with a dual minor in Political Science and Spanish.  Afterwards he is planning on returning and getting a BA in Political Science and a minor in Secondary Education. 

  • He did survive Islam 101 last semester without killing anyone and even got a B without having to convert to Islam (it would have been an A if he did)! 

  • He has had a few guy's outings including a camping/biking outing with the guys in Provo Canyon, the previously mentioned Glutton 2009, and a party where they all did the cinnamon challenage.

  • He has completed a rigours interview process with a really good company, but until there is an offical start date I can't say more.  Sorry, I just don't want to have to kill you.

  • I've been working way to much!  I'm doing three peoples jobs & I'm losing my MIND!!!

  • I have decided that as of Jan 01, 2010 I am becoming a flexatrian... which means I'll eat tons of organic veggies, organic fruits, organic grains, and organic beans while eggs, cheese and dairy still okay and on those blue moon occasions I'll have meat (but I'm picky about the meat... no growth hormones or antibotics, no animal by products in their feed-grain feed only, free range all that sort- of stuff).  It's something I'm working on phasing into.  I've just had some medical issues and I've noticed some heath issue trends in the world that I feel can be related to the chemicals and preservatives that are found in processed foods.  I'll get off my soap box now, but you might hear about it again...     Scott is still having issues with the whole meat sparingly, but he's game for now.

  • I planted some really pretty flowers this year and I've learned some fun things and I can't wait to plant again next year!  I'll have to do a photo post so you can see how cute it'll be!

  • I've fallen in love with aprons and cupcakes.  Enough Said.

  • I am planning on taking some fun one day and one week courses at the local community college this fall.  One is about interior deocrating, two are sewing classes and one is a cooking class.

  • I have started working on two books, they probably won't get published, but I'm having fun working on them.  The first one is more of an autobiography novel about my path to find me and what makes me tick and how to find happiness, the character is a lot like me, but she's funnier and more clueless and clumsy than me (hey, I'm just writing what I know) and the second is a book that I wish I had when I got married, it's a working title so let me know what you think "House Goddess 101".  It's a collection of tips and stories of what to do when you spill salsa all over the beadboard hall, how to tell if you hubby has a fever and what to do, quick cooking ideas, deco 101, stuff like that.
  • Harvey is working on becoming the most expensive rabbit alive!  He just got out of the vet a few weeks ago and is feeling a lot better, pooping a ton again!  He was diagnosed with GastroIntestinal Stasis, which is a silent killer among bunnies.  Basically their intestions stop working, causing the food to pile up in their stomach and gas to compact in their intestions and allowing the bad bacteria to flurish.  Turns out bunnies can't pass gas or throw up so it all just builds up in there.  It's really painful and Harvey wasn't himself for a good 2 months.  Now he is jumping and racing around again and working on chewing us out of house and home. 
  • He has decided that Scott is his master/pet.  He follows him around the house, sits by him in the living room, watches him move around the kitchen and stares at the door if Scott leaves.  He still knows I'm his Mom and comes to me when he's scared or whats a lovin, but I'm not nearly as fun as Scott is.


Nicole Hunter said...

Good to hear from you...I was beginning to wonder. :) Sounds like you two have been VERY busy! Some crazy stuff going on, hope all is well with you!

Unknown said...

I feel very enlightened! So happy you are back in the blogging world. You two are busy, busy, busy!

I have been working on going raw and organic as well. Have you tried Rice Milk yet? So sweet and YUMMY and without all the added hormones!